Born in Norway, Bubble Soccer has very quickly expanded and is now being played here in Northern Colorado! It’s full contact soccer at its best. The rules are simple. Stay alert, look all around you, and oh yeah…. SCORE GOALS!!! In Bubble Bump Soccer, the best part are center dash kick offs after each goal scored in the game, and there’s no such thing as off sides! There really isn’t a official “goalie” so if there’s someone in your way – “BUMP” them! Teams will be (5) a side
Times / Format will be determined based on the event being held
Full games could be 7 min long up to full games of 24 min (2 x 12 min halves) No substitutions will be allowed during the games
This game is exhausting!! Be prepared to SWEAT!
I invite you to visit:http://www.bubblefootballsoccer.com/